/ Staff writer, with CN濾水器A過濾器 水世界
Former deputy minister of economic affairs Francis Liang (梁國新) has been appointed Taiwan’s representative to Singapore, the Presidential Office announced yesterday.
The government originally named Antonio Chiang (江春男) to the post, but he resigned in August amid controversy resulting from a drunk driving incident in Taipei.
At the time, the Presidential Office ex濾水器 水世界pressed respect for Chiang’s decision.
Rumors that New Southbound Policy Office Director James Huang (黃志芳) would be tapped for the position emerged early last month, but questioned by lawmakers, Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lee (李大維) said that Huang was not on the short list for the post.
Liang previously served as director of the economic division at Taiwan’s representative office in the US and is currently chairman of the government-funded Taiwan External Trade Development Council.
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